Switzerland is not the country of my birth, but it is the land of my choosing. I feel at home nestled up against its sturdy alps. Its countless valleys and nooks and crannies make Switzerland a microcosm of many cultures, styles, landscapes and climates. This collection of galleries is dedicated to my love for Switzerland.
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62 imagesAutumn in Switzerland is a wonderful season. If you're in the far south of Ticino then you're still in the Mediterranean influence of warm winds and lots of sun. If you're in the Valais, the southern, partly French speaking/German speaking Canton, then you're still in a warm - late Autumn environment. That is, until you rise to the upper parts of the valley and experience an early winter! If you're in the "Mittelland", then you're likely to experience lovely sunny days interspersed with fog banks! And the northern Jura region also has it's own microclimate - who knows what happens there!
42 imagesThe iconic Swiss Alps never fail to live up to the greatest expectations and then go far beyond them. They are colossal and amazingly beautiful. I fall in love with the Swiss Alps anew each time I don my hiking boots and hit the trail. You'd yodel too!
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54 imagesMt. Rigi is one of Switzerland's smallest mountains, but is very accessible with cogwheel trains from the shores of Lake Lucerne and Lake Zug. These are images captured on various trips up to the top.
158 imagesAfter a long, hard Swiss winter, there is no more welcome sight than the returning green fields and the colorful spring flowers. Life is reborn and all is well in the world once more.
152 imagesI have made my home in Switzerland for over 20 years and never tire of the ever unfolding beauty of this country. Summer brings color, sunshine, warmth, and encourages the most diverse plants and animals to flourish.
53 imagesGolzern, in Canton Uri, high up in the Swiss Alps is a magical place of dramatic views that keeps me coming back again and again.
257 imagesI visit Italian-speaking Ticino, south of the Alps in Switzerland, just north of the Italian border, several times a year and never tire of photographing the dramatic landscapes, nature, culture and architecture there.
309 imagesWintertime in Switzerland is a frozen world of frost, icicles and snow drifts. But even in winter, Switzerland remains a beautiful place